Privacy Policy

Your privacy carries importance and significance for us. FEM Games (“FEM Games”, “us”, “our” or "we") protect the privacy rights of our users ("users" or "you"). FEM Games privacy policy is about protecting the information and personal information we collect, store, use, and manage, that is provided by you and our users or collected by FEM Games through our website or any game we develop and is available on mobile platform such as Apple’s iOS App as the products or services owned by us. The privacy policy covers the information collected by our services and products. FEM Games privacy does not cover actions of any third party entities (People or companies), which includes information provided to third party by you and the use of it, or any of their offering in form products, services and content. Third Party links to any digital presence are not sponsored or affiliated by us. You are expressing your agreement to our privacy policy by using or service or product in context of collecting, storing and processing your data and personal information as described in the privacy policy. In case of you disagree with our privacy, please do not use any of our services and products. Information Collection and Use: The main objective for collecting your information is to provide you best services by maintaining your account as needed. It allows us to contact you, conducting research and generate reports for internal use while ensuring the non-disclosure or exposure any third party. The information collected is stored on internal servers. Invite a Friend and sharing on Social Media: Our services and products may offer you to invite or share certain information of social networking sites (such as your facebook). The core objective of your use to invite your friends or sharing with your friends on social networking is to facilitate your contacts to join you in any of our product or service. Such information is only directed to the addressees in your contacts. We may also collect your limited gallery information to store the screen shots that you may want to store in your mobile device storage or share on Social Network (Such as facebook). Upon request from any of our users, we could remove the any information stored from our database. Such requests could be sent to us at Customer Service For better customer service and in order for us to contact you we may store your email address in our database. FEM Games may use these emails for providing information regarding our services or enabling us to reply to your queries. Game/app Data Collection We collect your data as you play our games/app. We record your activities and interactions with our service, which may include logs and duration of the activity. This information enables us to provide you better service as per your preference and to understand the general behavior of our users towards our services. Cookies Information collected through your cookie may be linked to your personal information. The objective to collect this information is track the data in relation to the content and advertisement view by you. Such information is also used in making our efforts and services better. Third party advertising may also be used in our services and products and they may deliver cookies to your device to recognize your devise so they could track the content advertisements you view Such information is utilized by the third party advertising to gauge the advertisement performance. The featured third party advertising companies may also require the information record your interest. FEM Games does not take any responsibility of data processing of any third party advertisers featured in our service. You may check their privacy policies regarding cookies from their websites. Third Party Services: Following are some of the third party analytics tools and advertising services we use in our services or products. You could view the privacy policies of the third party services we use by referring to following links: Admob: Unity Ads: Chartboost: Google Analytics: Firebase: Game Analytics: AppLovin: Adcolony: Super Sonic: Heyzap: Kidoz: Leadbolt: Ad Networks Third party advertising may also be added in our services and products and they may deliver cookies to your device to recognize your devise so they could track the content advertisements you view Such information is utilized by the third party advertising to gauge the advertisement performance. The advertisers may also collect and use information about you, such as your logs of your activity, device identifier, MAC address, IMEI, geo-location information and IP address. The information helps them to advertise based on your interests. In order to verify the installs, a device identifier may be shared with the advertiser. What we do with the information we gather: We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons: Internal record keeping. We may use the information to improve our products and services. We may use the information to contact you. We may use Demographic information such as location, preferences and interests for offering better product in future Your public information if social media is used in the app is collected to give better experience through our services. Activity based data of our service you using that helps us to bring improvements Disclosure of your information: It allows us to contact you, conducting research and generate reports for internal use while ensuring the non-disclosure any third party individual or company. The information collected is stored on internal servers and reasonable security measures are taken to ensure safety. Security: In addition to reasonable security measures for protecting your information from an unauthorized or misuse. However we could not guarantee the prevention from third party “Hackers” or from third party illegal access to the information. Our Privacy Policy Regarding Children: We have no intentions to collect information of the minors (which usually means you are aged under 18, however this age may vary in different countries), In case if you are a minor, our services could be only used by you after being permitted by your parents and you may only provide your information once permitted by the parents or guardians. We may collect Non-Personal Information, such as a device ID or other persistent identifier linked to the device or computer, which may be used by a child to play our services.